Tag: socialism

Show 5-25 Obamacare vs Healthcare

Show 5-25 Obamacare vs Healthcare

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Air Dates: June 20 & 21, 2015 | Grace-Marie Turner

The Supreme Court will decide soon what to do about the Obamacare subsidies, which some say are the backbone to the entire law. What will it mean for the healthcare system if Obamacare is, to use Obama’s words, “fundamentally transformed”? We talk with Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute about what the Court’s potential rulings could mean.

Obamacare advocates like to say we need to keep Obamacare because the Republicans haven’t come up with any plans to replace it. But this is a straw man arguement because a bad “comprehensive” plan is not inherently a better situation than a series of plans. It implies the healthcare system must be run by the federal government without stopping to ask whethere it should be meddling in your health care in the first place.

One aspect of Obamacare that many people haven’t heard of — including Oregonians — are School Based Health Centers. These “health clinics” are not what they seem. Like so much of the tripe pushed by the radical Left, what they claim is different, very different, than what they are. We talk with Nancy Traherne of the Rogue Vally Republican Women, which invited Mark Anderson to speak at their June 24th luncheon. (Note: If your organization would like Mark to come discuss how to fight back against SBHCs, please contact Karla Davenport for booking information.)

Links Mentioned

Show 5-05 | Socialism Exposed: Superiority of Capitalism

Show 5-05 | Socialism Exposed: Superiority of Capitalism

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Air Dates: Jan 30 & 31, 2015

By now, you’ve heard or read the usual conservative fact-checking of Obama’s State of the Union speech but we wanted to go deeper than just fact-checking to analyze the progressive ideology that lie at the heart of the speech.

This week on I Spy, we talk with author and economist Dr. Gerard Lameiro to analyze the underlying philosophies and values on display in Obama’s State of the Union address.

For example, most of I Spy listeners know that the free-market system is superior to socialism but why is it so superior? What makes it more successful from both an economic and philosophical standpoint? And what is so unique about the American system of capitalism that makes it better than any other free-market system in the world? We also analyze Obama’s faith in big government to drive the economy, the unfairness of wealth, that regulation is the solution, and much more.

Links mentioned

Show 5-06 | Red Money for Green Groups

Show 5-06 | Red Money for Green Groups

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Air Dates: Feb 14 & 15, 2015

One of our listeners (thank you, David D.!) put us on to a story exposing Russian money being funneled to the environmental left, especially the anti-fracking movement. Needless to say, this got our attention but it turns out it was only the tip of the iceberg. We expose the Puppet Masters of the Enviro-Green movement with investigative journalist, Ron Arnold.

Want to know more about the pile of cash rabid environmental groups have at their disposal to do things like shut down mining and access to National Forests? This week on I Spy Radio, we expose the backbone of the environmental movements—their funding—and their illegal collusion with government officials.

We talk with Ron Arnold, Executive VP of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, and long-time investigative journalist who has tracked the far-left environmentalist for more than 4 decades. And, we look at foreign influences, specifically Russian oil oligarchs, who have been secretly funding environmental groups here in the U.S. All of this means, literally, tens of billions of dollars going to anti-oil, anti-mining, anti-timber, anti-ranching, anti-you-name-it.

Philanthropoids: The Puppet Masters of the Leftist Environmental Movement.

Links mentioned