Tag: executive orders

Take Action! END Oregon Governor’s Covid Emergency Powers – HJR18

Take Action! END Oregon Governor’s Covid Emergency Powers – HJR18

Summary: HJR18 (House Joint Resolution 18) is a simple, one-sentence bill to end the Oregon governor’s abuse of power and terminate her covid emergency powers.

Take Action Briefing

What: Oregon is suffering under their governor’s abuse of power. The Oregon constitution clearly limits the power of the governor, who must seek the approval of the legislature. But she has ignore them for 14 months. It’s time to end this.
Who: All Oregonians.Oregon businesses. Churches. Every Oregonian is impacted by this. But out of state people can certainly weigh in to say how well your state is doing without these constant lockdowns.
How: Take action right now to email the members (addresses below) of Oregon’s House Committee on Rules, and urge them to bring HJR 18 to the floor. A simple, one-sentence resolution to end the governor’s self-declared emergency powers.
When: Now, now, now!
Why: States like Texas and Florida have ended their lockdowns, even mask mandates. All businesses are open. Did Texas and Florida die? Did they see a huge uptick in covid cases? No! Just the opposite. Their cases went down by 70%. Oregon businesses are struggling and they need your help!

Take Action! Pass HJR18 and Terminate the Covid “Emergency”

As mentioned during the May 1st, 2021 I Spy Radio Show, a joint resolution, HJR18, is a simple sentence that reads, “Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: Pursuant to ORS 401.204, the state of emergency declared by the Governor in Executive Order 20-03 on March 8, 2020, relating to the COVID-19 outbreak in Oregon, is terminated.” Short. Simple. To the point.

HJR 18 is currently in the House Committee on Rules. We urge you to copy and past the email addresses below, and ask they bring it to the floor. Be polite and respectful. But be strong. It can be as simple as “Please support HJR 18 and bring it to the floor.” It’s time to end the endless emergency orders.

Rep.barbarasmithwarner@oregonlegislature.gov; Rep.ChristineDrazan@oregonlegislature.gov; Rep.PaulHolvey@oregonlegislature.gov; Rep.DanielBonham@oregonlegislature.gov; Rep.JulieFahey@oregonlegislature.gov; Rep.AndreaSalinas@oregonlegislature.gov; Rep.JackZika@oregonlegislature.gov;

Find out the current status of Oregon HJR18