Tag: big government

Obama’s Attacks on America are Working

Obama’s Attacks on America are Working

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Show Summary: Every true American patriot knows that we are always one generation away from losing our freedoms. But Obama’s and the Left’s continuous attacks on America are working. We stand at the threshold of losing America altogether. Is there a “hidden hand” behind all this? Join us this weekend to hear how Leftist policies like open borders is putting America at risk— including the massive security hole this presents, home-grown terrorists, and attacks on our culture.

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Original Air Dates: June 18 & 19, 2016 | Curtis Bowers & Jeff Schwilk

As the presidential elections continue, tensions are brewing within our political leadership circles that shed light on their intense desire to hold onto power.  Power that doesn’t translate to keeping American’s safe.  American leadership seem to feel that other cultures are more valuable than our own.  That uttering the words “radical Islamic terrorists”  is unfair to say, as Islamic terrorists focus on destroying America by exploiting our current immigration policies.

These same American leaders point to Europe, as the path of finding our values, as we, on the American shores watch Europe be swallowed up by mass groups of refugees who believe Sharia Law outweighs their host countries’ own laws. Once again, America is the problem. Our Constitutionally guaranteed laws are the problem.

Agenda2This week we examine from two different vantage points how America is under attack and the breakdown of our American leadership on keeping us safe.  The first comes from Curtis Bowers, with a new film Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit.

His first film Agenda: Grinding Down America focused on the history of how communism has gotten into every level of government.  With his new film, he looks at the current situations and the places they have infiltrated — including evangelical churches.  Curtis will be touring Oregon from June 20th thru the 25th  showing his film with a Q & A afterwards.  We’ll have showings times and places on I Spy’s webpage.

Obama's attacks on America are workingOur next guest is Jeff Schwilk, a San Diego-based border security expert who served over 20 years in the US Marine Corps as a Master Sergeant and senior intelligence chief. He helped plan the 1st Marine Division’s assault on Baghdad and oversaw the generation of hundreds of intelligence reports pertinent to the Iraq War and the War on Terror.

Now retired, Jeff has founded San Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition, and on our show walks us through the flood that is occurring on our southern borders.  We discuss the massive security hole this presents, home-grown terrorists, and attacks on our culture. Listen to find out the real conditions for those living close to our southern border as our American leadership turns a willfully blind eye.

Links Mentioned

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Politics – Plus Lessons Reagan might give Trump

Politics – Plus Lessons Reagan might give Trump

Show Summary: Yes, it’s all politics this week — but wait! There’s more! We talk over some key issues near and dear to Donald Trump’s campaign with Brendan Kirby, political editor of Lifezette: Trump converting Ds to Rs, illegal immigration, and dismantling bloated, ineffective federal agencies—like the TSA. Then we talk with Michael Reagan, author, speaker, columnist, and the oldest son of Ronald Reagan, about his newest book, “Lessons my Father Taught Me,” and hear about some lessons Reagan might give Trump.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: June 4th & 5th, 2016 | Brendan Kirby & Michael Reagan

We have a very fun show for you this week! Politics, lessons from Reagan, and lots more.

We’ll kick things off with Brendan Kirby, a senior political reporter for LifeZette, Laura Ingraham’s news, life, and pop-culture site (think life + gazette).  Brendan had three timely and interesting articles that directly tie in with Trump’s election, such as all those Democrats who are moving to Republicans—does this really put blue states in play? The flood of illegal immigrants in the past year—especially concerning on the heels of the riots in Southern California and the new report of smugglers bringing Middle East terrorists across America’s southern border.  We also discuss bloated government agencies like the TSA and the long lines at airports. We’ll get a peek privatization of airport security.

Lessons Reagan might give Trump

Michael Reagan on lessons Reagan might give TrumpThen we welcome bestselling author, and oldest son of Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan who has a new book out Lessons My Father Taught Me.  This is a very intriguing look into the life lessons President Reagan passed on to his son, including many sneak peeks into Reagan’s life: raising his children, Reagan’s experience with his own father, Jack, and much more.

Tune in to learn who was really behind Ronald Reagan losing his job as host of the popular “General Electric Theater” and the pressure brought on GE to cut Reagan loose—but also how Reagan turned a failure into a success. And of course we just couldn’t let Michael Reagan go without hearing his thoughts on today’s politics, Trump’s candidacy, lessons Reagan would want to pass on to the Republican candidate, and how the Republican party is no longer the party of Reagan.

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Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military

Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military

Show Summary (Show Promo): Make no doubt about it: Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military. We hear from former SEAL, Carl Higbie, on the attempt by the military to shut down his free speech. After capturing the second-most wanted terrorist in Iraq, the “Butcher of Fallujah”, his fellow teammates faced courts martial because Carl’s commanding officers sided with the terrorist over their own soldiers after he accused them of “abuse.” The Scott McEwen, who wrote the foreword to Carl’s book, weighs in on the damages that Hillary would do to the military, continuing Obama’s legacy.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 14 & 15, 2016 | Carl Higbie & Scott McEwen

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Our Constitutional rights are not forfeited once someone joins the military. Our brave military support and defend the Constitution.  But under Obama’s Administration and Hillary’s State Department the military has been reduced to a social Petri dish that has politicized all things—including orders given on the field of battle.  The politicians and bureaucrats’ actions are not only putting America at risk but is creating such a low morale that 90% of the military will not support Hillary and many of those will leave the military should Hillary be elected.

Last week we brought you the ugly story of a “conservative” news source blackballing a journalist because they were in line with the Obama administration on the narrative of Assad killing his own people in Syria, which wasn’t the case. This week, former SEAL, Carl Higbie, tells us his story about his commanding officers turning on their own troops in favor of a terrorist—and trying to ruin his career once he tried to tell the truth.

Carl shares with us the real-life experiences on the battlefield, the decisions that combat troops made to capture the second-most wanted terrorist, and the ugly betrayal those same troops met from their Obama-controlled commanders who tried to court martial them all based on the lies from the terrorist who accused them of “abuse” during his capture, all detailed in his latest book Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: A SEAL’s Story.  Listen to find out how the second most wanted terrorist, The Butcher of Fallujah, was able to manipulate the US Military into almost destroying his captors.

Then our second guest, former Oregonian, Scott McEwen, co-author of American Sniper and the bestselling Sniper Elite series, who is also an expert in military operations and what happened in the Benghazi attack, shares with us what a Hillary presidency would do to our military.

Scott knows all about Carl Higbie’s case (Scott wrote the foreword to Carl’s book) and doesn’t hold anything back on the travesty of what happened. We also discuss whether we will ever know the truth of what happened at Benghazi, the two new whistleblowers that have come forward about what actually happened that night in Benghazi, and how Obama’s administration is attempting to destroy and weaken the capability of what used to be the finest military in the world.

We also get a peek into his new book Ghost Sniper and updates on the movie for his first book of the Sniper Elite Series: Target America.  And stay tuned for his upcoming non-fiction book American Commander.

Links Mentioned

  • Carl Higbie’s latest book is Enemies, Foreign and Domestic and his previous book was Battle on The Home Front: A Navy SEAL’s mission to save the American dream. Both are available on Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble
  • Carl Higbie on Greta van Susteren
  • Scott’s newest book is Ghost Sniper, which will be released in early July but can be ordered now. See all of Scott’s books here.
  • US’s share of NATO spending has increased from 50% to 75%

Related Links


Thanks Democrats! Oregon’s Train Wreck

Thanks Democrats! Oregon’s Train Wreck

Show Summary: After a decade of one-party rule (just like China!), Oregon is headed for a financial train wreck. From the disastrous Obamacare-Kitzcare deal to insurance companies fleeing the state to state agencies on a spending spree  to counties going bankrupt. And despite this, one particular segment of health care has billions in profits—at taxpayer expense.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 30 & May 1, 2016 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott Jorgensen

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Oregon is in a world of hurt thanks to Democrat policies. Brace yourself for the coming train wreck.

We start off by talking with Lisa Lettenmaier of Health Source NW. Lisa is our “in house” expert on the insurance industry and the broader aspects of health care. She has been following the disastrous (for consumers) roll-out of Obamacare and its ugly stepchild, Oregon’s Health Care Transformation.

Tune in to hear her shine the light on Oregon’s insurance industry and why customers can expect to see huge rate increases in the next year.  There are some parts of the healthcare industry that are benefiting from Obamacare but it’s not the insurers as they face steeper and steeper declines in revenues.  Oregon has lost two more insurers in Oregon and another one on a national level.  Listen as we unpack the reasons they are leaving the state and what’s happening behind the scenes.

Oregon and Its Free-Spending Ways

Scott Jorgensen, the chief of staff for State Senator Whitsett, then joins us to share insights into the consequences of government attempting to push policies that force expensive programs (think Medicaid without federal funding).

The Oregon Democrat Leadership’s answer is to continue to raise taxes to pay for the spending spree.  Ask most Oregon voters and they’ll tell you that by our own state constitution we’re supposed to have a balanced budget; which, to many, means we don’t spend more than we take in. Well, not under Democrat leadership. It’s “balanced” because we borrow huge amounts to make it balanced.

Tune in to hear how much every man, woman, and child—all 4 million of us—are on the hook for under this new model of funding Oregon’s government.  And guess what? It’s only going to go up. Did you know we borrow money against Oregon Lottery Revenue? Talk about a gamble!

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Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Deniers? Plus a new movie: “Climate Hustle”

Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Deniers? Plus a new movie: “Climate Hustle”

Show Summary: An exciting new movie is coming out: Climate Hustle, which destroys many of the sacred myths of the Global Warming Alarmists, like the whole 97%  catch phrase. Plus, it’s no fiction—the Obama Administration wants to prosecute Global Warming Deniers. Except our guest has the evidence to turn the tables on Obama and his Nazi-like thought police.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 23 & 24, 2016 | Paul Driessen & Ron Arnold

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It’s not really “news” that Obama and his administration hate dissent.  If you don’t think in the right way be prepared for the Attorney General’s minions to be knocking on your door, ready to lock you up.  Ever heard of RICO? That’s the legal tool that Obama’s attorney general is asking the FBI to consider using to prosecute scientists and corporations who are “deniers” of global warming, aka climate change. Astounding. Except one of our guests has the goods on the Alarmists.

Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that it’s America in the 21st century and not 1930s Nazi Germany. Fortunately, we have some very brave patriots on the side of true science who are not going to stand for the treatment Obama’s administration is willing to dish.

Climate Hustle: the Movie

Climate Hustle the Movie - are they trying to control the climate… or you?
“Are they trying to control the climate… or you?”

Our first guest, Paul Driessen, is part of CFACT.org that has been leading the effort against the global warming alarmists and they have a new movie coming out: Climate Hustle.  They go after the false notion (yet so oft repeated in the press) that 97% of scientists believe there is climate warming and much, much more.

The movie is a national, one-day release on May 2nd with many showings in Oregon (including Salem, Eugene, Portland and many other cities) and across the United States. Just go to http://www.climatehustlemovie.com to find theater locations and times.  This is definitely a don’t-miss movie for all you global warming deniers out there!

Plus! We’ll be giving away some tickets, stay tuned for details — or send an email now to be sure to notified about the contest.

Obama to Unleash FBI on Global Warming Deniers?

Global Warming Alarmists' mindset: The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.Then our second guest, Ron Arnold, returns to I Spy Radio to give us the insights into the secret e-mails and documents he obtained that shows collusion by attorneys general offices, criminal manipulation by the State Department, and even the involvement of college professors who plan to “get” the global warming deniers.

Don’t miss this shocking interview with a behind-the-scenes peek at the Far-Left’s attempt to lock up people who refuse to buy into their agendas.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact Global Warming is a $1.5 trillion industry? Is that why Obama and his minions are trying so hard to silence the deniers? (See what a trillion looks like and check out this infographic.)

Links Mentioned

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Why Trans Pacific Partnership is a Bad Deal for America

Why Trans Pacific Partnership is a Bad Deal for America

Show Summary: The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal is Obama’s final nail in America’s coffin. If you thought Obamacare and the Iran Deal were bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. In an explosive interview, we dive into why it’s bad and why our Congressmen vote for such atrocities. And not just why but who is supporting this? Plus, could one of the presidential candidates, who publicly says he’s against it, might actually be for it?

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Apr. 16 & 17, 2016 | Crista Huff (former Morgan Stanley VP

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One of the questions we consistently try to answer here on the I Spy Radio Show, is why. Why does a government agency do this or why does a politician do that? But uncovering “why” requires digging deeper into motivations and a lot times those motivations are hidden away, lurking in the shadows where you don’t know what happened behind closed doors or what’s been promised.

On this week’s show, we’re talking about the monstrosity better known as the TPP – the Trans Pacific Partnership. This is Obama’s magnum opus for weakening America. And it must be stopped. The TPP is a major trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim nations, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam and others. China is not a signer, yet, because after the agreement is signed China can come in later through a back door.  Why, do you ask? Oh, you’ll find out why.

Trans Pacific Partnership = Anti-American

It’s amazing that anyone who calls themselves an American is backing this agreement. Foremost it represents a stunning loss of U.S. sovereignty.  But beyond that, common economic sense says this will harm the US economy–especially given that even its own supporters say it will result in only a 0.13% increase in the nation’s Gross Domestic Product by 2025. (See links, below, for citation.)

But even that less -than-rosy projection is based on the assumption of the U.S. being at full-employment. (How’s that worked out the last seven years?) So why take a huge gamble and throw our economy into upheaval for not even 1/50th of a percent increase per year over nine years?

It boggles the mind why would anyone in the U.S. support this. And not just why, but who is supporting this? Tune in to learn the answers, including whether one of the presidential candidates might be misrepresenting their position on the Trans Pacific Partnership. And find out why, if this goes through, it really could be the end of America as we know.

Links Mentioned During Show

  • Crista Huff’s terrific website, Good Fellow, LLC. Be sure to check out her fantastic TPP blog page, frequently updated with the latest info
  • Check out Crista on Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival blogtalk podcast
  • If you want to stop the TPP, CALL the Capitol Switchboard! (202) 224-3121. Ask to be transferred to your Congressman’s office and tell them you want them to vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal; do the same for both of your senators.
  • The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee is Rep. Kevin Brady (TX).
  • Article via Drudge: New Balance publicly calls the TTP a bad deal (Apr 13, 2016)
  • Robert Zoellick and The Trilateral Commission and Robert (via FreedomWorks’ SourceWatch)

Related Links

We’re impressed with a number of articles from Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Here are a few of them:


Canada’s Experiment with Socialism (Part 2 of the Allure of Socialism)

Canada’s Experiment with Socialism (Part 2 of the Allure of Socialism)

Air Dates: Feb 27 & 28, 2016 | Dr. Tim Ball

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

I Spy Radio continues to do what the Republicans ought to be doing: focusing on the Democrats. Especially their lurch toward outright Socialism. With either winner, the Democrats will have a socialist as their nominee. It will either be Bernie Sanders, who is an avowed socialist, or Hillary Clinton, an Undeclared Socialist.

With socialism being around as long as it has, there’s still the myth in every generation who thinks, “But this time it will work!”  Even though it has had resounding failures wherever it’s been tried.  Folks like Bernie and Hillary points to countries like Sweden or Finland as examples of “success.”

What they fail to mention is that Sweden or Finland are only becoming more successful because they purposely moved away from socialism to adopt more elements of capitalism.

Denmarks-socialismThink of it like a balance or teeter totter; whenever you give government all the rights, and therefore your decisions, you’re taking the rights and decisions away from the individual.  The reverse, freedom, is also true. By giving affirming the rights of the individual, it takes power away from the government.  So, the notion that you can somehow give away all of your rights and control over to government while still retaining personal freedom is a logical inconsistency.

The myth of socialism still hangs on

So to prove our point of why it can’t work, we go back to Canada and talk with Dr. Tim Ball and find out the realities of living in a socialistic country.  Listen as Dr. Ball talks about his personal experiences living in socialized Canada, including the loss of freedoms, opening a new business in a socialist country, and living in the so-called “ideal” (socialized) health care system.

What you’ll learn is this: If Canada is Bernie’s and Hillary’s “utopia,” they can keep it.

Relevant Links

Dr. Tim Ball’s books:

  • Slaying the Sky Dragon: The Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory
  • Human Caused Global Warming: The Biggest Deception in History
  • and The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.


The Allure of Socialism – Why we keep trying this historic failure

The Allure of Socialism – Why we keep trying this historic failure

Socialism’s seductive spell has tripped up many “smart people” including Einstein. Usually right up until reality sets in. Eating the rich only makes everyone poorer.

Original Air Dates: Feb 20 & 21, 2016 | Dr. Tim Ball

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Despite the repeated, historic (dare we say “epic”) failures of socialism, every generation since the 1800s seems to flirt with this proven failure. Every generation seems to think, “This time we’ll make it work.”

Socialism: willingly giving up your liberty and freedom for government-provided security.
Jail: unwillingly giving up your liberty and freedom for government-provided security.

This week on I Spy Radio, we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, who knows all about socialism. He grew up in World War II England, witnessed the takeover of society by the government to “fight the war” only to have England embrace the “security” offered by socialists. In other words, basic subsistence in exchange for government domination and takeover of private industry. As a young man, witnessing the demise of his fellow countrymen’s freedoms, he left for Canada. Unfortunately, elements of socialism followed him to his new country.

Exposing Socialism

Hitler - "We are socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistics economic system...with its unfair salaries... and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions"This week, we get an exposé on socialism from someone who’s lived through it and even taught classes on it. With Bernie Sanders rising in the polls, it’s time to get a little intelligence on socialism. This week, we’ll look at the rise and development of socialism and, yes, the Nazis were socialists. Modern-day Leftists try to depict Nazis s extreme Far Right, “ultra conservative” or even the end-game of capitalism. “Nazi” meant “National Socialists.”

But why does the notion of state-imposed fairness, continue to appeal to us as a developed society?

Here in Oregon, where I Spy broadcasts from, the House just passed the nation’s highest minimum wage to create “fair” wages. Remember, from our show two weeks ago, under socialism it’s the State that determines not only what’s moral but what is “fair.” But if you think that’s scary, check out the links below on “basic income” and “universal income.”

And be sure to join us next week where we’ll get Dr. Ball’s personal experiences of living with socialism, including Canada’s socialized medicine and even martial law.

Related Links

  • Canada’s new prime minister interested in a European style “basic income
  • Video: European socialists now pushing “universal income” – no work required


Is the Oregon Militia Standoff in Burns Oregon Helpful?

Is the Oregon Militia Standoff in Burns Oregon Helpful?

The “Oregon militia” standoff at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, outside of Burns (Harney County) continues and we turn to Stewart Rhodes of Oath  Keepers and Rep. Ken Ivory to analyze the deeper, broader issues at stake.

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Air Dates: Jan. 16 & 17, 2015 | Stewart Rhodes & Rep. Ken Ivory (UT) | When, Where, and How to Listen

However, let’s be clear: the so-called Oregon militia is not a militia in the true sense of the word. In fact, “Oregon militia” members aren’t even from Oregon. Instead, they’re outsiders from Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, and (God help us) California.

This is especially odd. The so-called “Oregon militia” are themselves outsiders. Unwelcome outsiders. Outsiders who are there to protest lack of local control. Do the so-called Oregon militia members not see the irony here?

Is this about the issue of public lands or about the militia members themselves?

The So-Called “Oregon Militia” in Burns

When they first showed up, the “Oregon militia” claimed they were there to support the Hammonds, a couple of local ranchers who had been convicted of arson. To prove their point, they seized control of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Except the Hammonds wanted nothing to do with the so-called militia. So next, the Wildlife Refuge Occupiers claimed they were there to protest the federal government and their refusal to turn state lands over to the states. This group of Occupiers from Montana, Arizona, Nevada, and California, now say they won’t leave until the lands are given over to local control.

We talk with Stewart Rhodes, president and founder of Oath Keepers, about the standoff, what he knows about the leaders of the “militia” and his thoughts on the FBI’s handling of this. Could there be agent provocateurs among the militia? Are the militia heroes or interfering?

And then we talk with Rep. Ken Ivory about the larger issue of the transfer of federal lands to the states.  We talk with Ken about whether the “protesters” are helpful or hurtful and what impact they might have on the larger issues. Instead of an armed conflict, what else could they have done? Plus. what are some of the latest developments in the transfer-public-lands movement, including legal and economic findings that support the effort.

The Oregon Militia: Unanswered Questions

One question that will be very interesting to watch as this continues to unfold will be this: are all the members of the “militia” who they claim to be? There have already been incidents of undercover FBI agents in the area (see links below). Why? Could this whole situation an effort to undermine the transfer public lands effort?

To reassure the people of Oregon—the real ones—Harney officials County law enforcement should verify identifications as each “militia” member leaves the compound.


Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

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Air Dates: Nov 7th & 8th, 2015 | Dr. Tim Ball (Canada’s first Climatologist)

Call it global warming or climate change, it’s the ideological basis for modern-day democrats (and socialists). No skepticism. No debate. and lots (and lots!) of big government.

If you can better understand Global Warming (which is what Climate Change used to be called until the globe stopped warming), you will better understand the modern-day Democrat party. Global Warming (Climate Change) is to the political Left what Judeo-Christian beliefs are to the American system of Freedom and Liberty. All of the American founding principles find their origins in Judeo-Christian beliefs, such as “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” That leads to Freedom of Speech (if you want to speak, give your neighbor the same courtesy). It leads to Freedom of Religion (if you want to attend a church of your choice, then your neighbor deserves that same respect). And so on.

Likewise the notion of centralized control, of the sacrifice of individual rights to the collective, and the absolute hatred of dissent all stem from Climate Change (Global Warming) and are the fruit of Democrat policies. The modern-day Democrat/Socialist, not the common-sense Democrat of bygone years.

The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.
The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.

But Global Warming (Climate Change) has been under increased skepticism. We talk with Dr Tim Ball, who was awarded Canada’s first degree in Climatology, about the political expression of Climate Change (Global Warming) in democrats and socialists.

Related: Global Warming to blame for everything (14 extreme weather events)

Be sure to tune in to hear what Dr. Ball’s four decades of climate-study experience tells him about what the future holds for Global Warming (Climate Change).

Links Mentioned

Some headlines on Global Warming (Climate Change)