Category: History

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

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Air Dates: Nov 7th & 8th, 2015 | Dr. Tim Ball (Canada’s first Climatologist)

Call it global warming or climate change, it’s the ideological basis for modern-day democrats (and socialists). No skepticism. No debate. and lots (and lots!) of big government.

If you can better understand Global Warming (which is what Climate Change used to be called until the globe stopped warming), you will better understand the modern-day Democrat party. Global Warming (Climate Change) is to the political Left what Judeo-Christian beliefs are to the American system of Freedom and Liberty. All of the American founding principles find their origins in Judeo-Christian beliefs, such as “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” That leads to Freedom of Speech (if you want to speak, give your neighbor the same courtesy). It leads to Freedom of Religion (if you want to attend a church of your choice, then your neighbor deserves that same respect). And so on.

Likewise the notion of centralized control, of the sacrifice of individual rights to the collective, and the absolute hatred of dissent all stem from Climate Change (Global Warming) and are the fruit of Democrat policies. The modern-day Democrat/Socialist, not the common-sense Democrat of bygone years.

The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.
The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.

But Global Warming (Climate Change) has been under increased skepticism. We talk with Dr Tim Ball, who was awarded Canada’s first degree in Climatology, about the political expression of Climate Change (Global Warming) in democrats and socialists.

Related: Global Warming to blame for everything (14 extreme weather events)

Be sure to tune in to hear what Dr. Ball’s four decades of climate-study experience tells him about what the future holds for Global Warming (Climate Change).

Links Mentioned

Some headlines on Global Warming (Climate Change)


Show 5-30 Are we on the verge of another Reagan Revolution?

Show 5-30 Are we on the verge of another Reagan Revolution?

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Air Dates: July 25 & 26, 2015 | Dr. Bruce Thornton

America’s belief in God runs deep in our culture and our psyche but it’s under attack more today that perhaps at any time since our nation’s founding. Historians generally agree on four “Great Awakenings” in America’s past (we’ll have a future show on these later this summer), the last of which immediately preceded the Reagan Revolution.

Now that (seemingly) pretty much everyone who could possibly be running for the Republican nomination is in the race, are we looking at another “Christian Revolution”? Has the groundwork been laid? What’s missing? We talk with Dr. Bruce Thornton of the Hoover Institution to find out what were the cultural sparks that set off the Reagan grassfire to find out if the elements are there for a revolution or if this has the elements of a failed coup.

The Reagan Revolution

Reagan RevolutionWe’ll be talking with Dr. Thornton about the seeds of the Reagan Revolution and the expanding role of conservatives and evangelicals. Like why did the same evangelicals who had voted in droves for Jimmy Carter suddenly turn on him and vote in droves for Reagan?

But what about the three decades since? What happened? The Supreme Court chose to endorse sexual preference over religious freedom. Film and TV is overtly anti-Christian. Obama has lost all pretense of not being a Muslim advocate. Federal and state governments increasingly disavow themselves from Judeo-Christian beliefs to be “inclusive” of Muslims—like the Seattle mayor endorsing special housing funding for pro-Sharia law adherents. All this make you wonder, is America’s Christian heritage disappearing? Or are we on the verge of another great awakening? And what’s that mean for the possibility of another Reagan Revolution?

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